Friday, November 18, 2016

#6: Diversity in Today's Schools

In my service-learning classroom, there is diversity regarding race, economic class, and family life. My teacher addresses them by treating all of her students equally. She doesn't choose favorites based on any of the differences possessed by her students.

This treatment is beneficial because she does not judge her students by their backgrounds. She expects all of them to accomplish the same amount of progress as the others. She holds them all to the same standard, and it empowers some of them to reach above the standards that may have been set for them by society.

There is one student who was not raised in America, and he is the only one who receives slightly different treatment. However, the only difference is the extra time that my teacher takes to help him understand the concepts (because of cultural knowledge that he lacks). He is still expected to succeed in the classroom and he is treated the same as the rest of the students, he just receives some assistance in cultural context.

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